Detailed description
The strongest androgen steroid
Has a long half life; cypionate 12 days,
Has a strong anabolic and strong androgenic effect
Not particularly useful to build lean muscle or on calorie reduced diets,
Provides significant psychological, emotional and physical benefits,
Physical improvements generally reside slightly post therapy,
Conversion to estrogen and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is less than with other esters,
Increases energy and appetite
Will aromatize into estrogens at a high rate,
At high doses, there is significant water retention and blood pressure may increase,
Will convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
Has a large impact on endrogenic testosterone production,
Is not well tolerated by women,
Excessive testosterone in woman may cause virilization (masculinization) symptoms,
Proper use
Testosterone enanthate is very similar in its features to testosterone cypionate. Testosterone Enanthate is an oil based injectable steroid, which is designed to slowly release testosterone from the injection site. This slow release delivery leads to an elevation in testosterone levels lasting for approximately two weeks (it may even take as long as three weeks for the drug levels to fully diminish). Due to its relatively long activity level, Testosterone cypionate is favored by the medical profession and is primarily used to treat cases of hypogonadism and similar disorders where low androgen levels are at fault. As with all testosterone products it has strong anabolic and androgenic activity. Gains in strength and muscle mass are notable, along with an increase in libido. It has also been noted that a relief in tendon pain and an increase in stamina are direct effects of testosterone administration. This is probably due to increased water retention coupled with an increase in red blood cells ??? leading to a greater oxygen uptake in the blood. On the downside, all the usual androgenic side effects can be expected e.g. oily skin, acne, aggressiveness, facial/body hair growth and male pattern baldness. In addition, testestosterone does have a high tendency to convert into estrogen (related side effects being water retention, storage of excess body fat and possible gynecomastia (the development of breast like tissue in males). This can be greatly reduced by adding a drug such as Nolvadex (or, if your budget can stretch to it, the superior Arimidex). However, the use of anti-estrogens during a cycle of testosterone is thought by some to reduce the anabolic effects of the drug, so you may wish to see whether their use is absolutely necessary before using them. You may also choose to add them towards the end of your cycle rather than throwing them into the mix early and risking slightly lower gains. If you do begin to experience a little puffines in the nipple area, swelling or soreness you should act immediately to treat it by either adding an anti-estrogen or switching to another compound as your main drug. Although this drug does have a long active life, most athletes choose to inject it on a weekly basis with the dosage ranging from 250mg- 750mg. This is done in an attempt to keep drug levels at a more uniform level throughout the cycle. Just remember, the higher the dose the more likely estrogenic side effects are to develop ??? so start out low to asses your tolerance.
STACKING TIPS: Those looking for greater bulk could add an oral like Anadrol 50 or Dianabol. For more quality and definition an injectable like DecaDurabolin or Equipoise may be a better way to go. In this case you can lower the intake of cypionate in order to keep estrogen build up to a minimum.
USER FEEDBACK: Those who have used this drug find it produces significant weight and strength gains with side effects well within the tolerable range provided dosages are kept at acceptable levels. Greater stamina and an overall feeling of well being have also been widely reported.